Smartie had a partial hoofwall resection because he has white line disease. White line disease destroys the inner hoofwall called the stratum medium leaving a cavity under the outer hoofwall. The micro-organisms that cause white line disease are anaerobic, so exposing the infected area to air is an effective treatment. A heartbar shoe was applied to distribute the load of the missing wall to the frog, allowing Smartie to remain sound while he grows a healthy hoofwall
Heartbar to Distribute Load | Inside Right Hind Leg |
Webow was brought to me with an infected quarter crack. I removed the patch / stitching and cleaned up the crack with a dremel. Webow’s hoof was treated for about two weeks to remove the infection. I shod the hoof with a heart bar and a three quarter rim pad. This stabilized the hoof and allowed the heel / quarter area of the hoof to settle into a normal position. After about three shoeing periods, Webow was shod with normal shoes and has had no problems since.
Webow Before: | ||
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Webow After: | ||
Joey doesn’t have any lameness issues, however his heels have been allowed to get too tall and run forward. A simple trim is all that is needed to fix the problem.
Before: | |||
After: | |||
Bill had a case of white line disease. When I first saw Bill his hoof was covered in acrylic. This accelerated the growth of the disease and made the condition of Bill’s hoof even worse. I removed the acrylic and resected the hoof wall from the infected area. Bill was shod with a heart bar on the good foot and the resected hoof was placed in a boot. Later as the hoof wall grew down, both feet were shod with noraml shoes.
1st visit (week 1): | |||
6 weeks later: | |||
12 weeks later: | |||
18 weeks later: | |||
24 weeks later: | |||